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The most versatile stone for your home ...

Our Garrowby Limestone, coveted by many of our customers (and us!) can deliver everything you need, and more, from a stone tile. Your stone floor is an investment, one that will make a home for you and generations to come, and as trends in home decor come and go, a well chosen stone tile will remain the star of the show, aswell as complimenting the different design choices surrounding it. Therefore, versatility is imperative and Garrowby delivers just that. We see Garrowby used in many homes and projects from traditional barn conversions through to contemporary new builds, cosy family homes, and sleek minimalist spaces. 
Neutral in its colour palette and delicately tumbled in its finish, Garrowby is a subtle showstopper. At a glance it's a stunning stone with character, upon a closer look you'll see a richly embellished stone peppered with fossils and shells and delicate quartz veining ... something you just cannot replicate with a porcelain tile. We've seen customers use this stone in creamy neutral spaces, and with striking bold colours and patterns, it really is a stone that can do both! Even the most trend lead spaces can continue to evolve with Garrowby, and this resilience doesn't stop with design choices, this stone will withstand whatever your home brings it. As a hardwearing limestone, you can expect years of beauty while your family, life and circumstances change, your limestone floor will likely see you through many more home renovations! 

Garrowby's versatility doesn't stop at design aesthetic, tile design options are one of the widest selection we offer. Boasting both internal and external options so you can take the beauty into your garden. A wide range of tile size formats from random length format, through to opus pattern. Need a slimmer tile? No problem ... we offer a 12mm internal tile suitable for walls and spaces where you may not have the clearance for our standard 18mm tiles. Everyone's space is different so we encourage customers to discuss their project with us and we can help you find the best fit for your home, project size and room shape/purpose. We can advise you to protect and enhance the character of your traditional property, or elevate your design choices in a contemporary home, all with a simple design choice! 

You need to see it to believe it, and a free sample is just a click away! Order your free sample now, and browse our customer projects!  


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